Licensed Electrical Pump Systems Professionals
Water pump electrical systems are intricate and should only be left to professionals. At some point, if you own a water well, you are going to need electrical service support for your pump. This can range from the connections that go into place for your well pump to work correctly, to the internal workings of the water pump system which might be why your water pump is acting up.
A common problem that might lead you to need professional pump electrical services is a failed pressure control switch for your water pump. Pressure control switches have the tendency to misbehave and either stick to ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’, hence requiring physical intervention. The switch can also be chatty or is generally not in good working condition.
Most pump electrical problems stem from the pressure switch. Below, we look at possible problems and possible corrections. Remember, however, that only a professional can ascertain the extent of damage or cause of problems and take the best action.

ELECTRICAL SAFETY WARNING: always make sure the electrical power powering the pump is turned off before attempting to remove or repair the pressure switch. Use a tester to double-check and take appropriate measure to ensure nobody turns it on while you are at it. Failure to do so may lead to electrocution.
A pump pressure control switch is supposed to turn on your water pump when a ‘cut-in’ pressure is reached. Often, the pressure to cut in should be 20 or 30 psi. The cut out pressure on the other hand is usually 40 or 50 psi. Under normal working conditions, the pressure switch should be able to turn the pump on and off at the appropriate pressure points. Failure to which the deduction is that the switch is faulty and needs electrical repairs. Erratic behavior is also a sign of underlying problems that might not be attributable to pressure switch failure.
Typical Problems with Pump Electrical Systems
Water pump not turning off
At times, your water pump will keep running longer than is normal, forcing you to turn the power off manually to avoid motor damage. The cause of this can be lack of water in the well, piping leaks inside the well or your pump may be defective. The pressure pump may also be defective, expecting higher water pressure than your pump can handle.
Leaving the pump off for several hours then turning it back on to monitor change helps at times. If the pumps operates normally after this, then it might have been pumping water faster that the well could replenish itself. However, there are other reasons your pump could be running incessantly. Peak time demand for water, damaged impeller, or a leak in the piping may be culprits.

If the pump will not turn ON…
A pump that will not start is an automatic sign of electrical power problems. A look at the water gauge to identify the pressure will give you an idea of what might be causing the problem. If the gauge is reading anything below 20 psi and the pump does not power on, then that is a problem as the cut on point is 20 psi. It is important to also not that the sediment that clogs your pump can also clog the gauges so a light tap can unclog your gauge. If the gauge reads above the pumps cut-in pressure, then there is no way the pump will turn on. To remedy this, you can run water to make the gauge fall below the pump’s intended cut in pressure. Then the pump should spring to action.
If the pump functions but the gauge reads the same pressure without changing, then the problem might be the gauge and not the pump.
Some pressure control switches have manual levers to reset the switch. You can check whether yours has one and try bypassing it. If it works, the pump should turn on and start pumping, if not, then you might need the services of a professional water pump repairer. However, if it works, do not leave it on, turn it off and try to understand why it was not functioning automatically in the first place.
As mentioned previously, your well water might have minerals and sediments that find their way to the small pipe connecting the pressure switch to your system. These materials can clog the switch and cause a malfunction or failure. If the line is packed with debris, changing the pipe can remedy the condition and get your pump working again. You should also check whether the diaphragm at the pressures bottom is in good condition. The diaphragm senses the pressure of the water and communicates to the switch on the appropriate action. If there is a tear or it is too old, it might be leaking, and leading to the switches malfunction.
There are some reasons your switch may be failing or working intermittently. Some include:
- Old switch: like everything else, an old switch has probably outlived its usefulness as it is prone to wear and tear.
- Overuse: if your pump has a long history of turning on and off frequently throughout the day, then you will need to replace your switch as much because of burn out. Another option would be to install a bigger water reservoir so you only pump water once a day or twice a week. That way, your pump and switch will last longer.
- Location of the switch: if your switch is located in a wet area, the corrosion that results might render it unusable and require you to get a new one, and possibly relocate it.
- If at any point you have attempted to clean some of the switches components, there is a likelihood that something was damaged without intent. The more reason for you to contact professionals like us is so that you do not aggravate simple problems that will end up costing you more.
To conclude, when it comes to pump electrical repair or servicing, ideally, only a professional should handle the repairs. The electricity involved combined with the water can spell doom for an inexperienced technician. Electrical pump services are technical, so call on us if you suspect that something is amiss with your pump electrical system.